A public hearing will be held on Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at 6:00 p. org. If you need special accommodation to participate in the meeting, please contact the City Manager's Office at 801-804-4530. Mail a registration form to the Utah County Clerk's Office: Utah County Clerk, Elections Office. All Spanish Fork Public Notices can be found on the State Public Notice Website. City Council Meeting ( Spanish Fork City ) - Time begin : 18:00 Repeat : Repeats monthly on 3rd Tuesday , 3 times until 04 - 18 - 2023 Spanish Fork City Council will meet with a work session commencing at 5:15 p . A copy of the referendum application (p. For more details see the 2021 Municipal Primary Election Official Report. 9,487. West Interchanges Sewer Trunkline Change Order #5 c . 24. 18 - 33. Posted Dec 01, 2022. We have amazing and professional teachers. Landlord Utility Information. I had a normal childhood until I was 6 years old, when I broke my left arm. Spanish Fork Southeast Irrigation Company. ) beginning at 6 p. A vote for Bret is a vote for civility, clarity and conservative values. The Spanish Fork City Council voted on Tuesday to rescind a zone change ordinance and then reapproved the same zone change after a council member who previously voted on the ordinance recused himself. Just before 2 p. m. Registration begins for spring leagues in January and for fall leagues in mid-May or early June. Home Departments Finance. 11. The Spanish Fork-Springville Airport is seen in this aerial shot taken in April 2013. City government is the Council-Manager form consisting of a part-time mayor and five part-time city council members,. The public hearing will be to discuss the proposed dividend transfers in the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget. Available on SFCN only in Spanish Fork, UT, USA. You can still. vote. Administration Department. The 2021 General Election was held on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. The Finance Department provides an excellent level of service to the community by ensuring that the highest level of integrity is exercised in monitoring and allocating the City's resources for the residents of Spanish Fork. 8 01-400-1058. The study team is now seeking feedback from the community on. 2021 RAP GRANT RECIPIENTSIn June 2021, the RAP Program Committee reviewed grant applications and made a recommendation to the City Council for grant distributions to the following organizations Grant Applicant Amount Purpose Youth Arts Festival 9,200 Scholarships, materials, stipends, operations Spanish Fork Community Theater 17,000. WHAT IS THE RAP PROGRAM? The Recreation, Arts, and Parks Program (RAP for short) enhances RAP programs and amenities in Spanish Fork City. Home Government Mayor & City Council Mayor Steve Leifson. SPANISH FORK CITY ANNOUNCES SHOP LOCAL STIMULUS PROGRAM. City government is the Council-Manager form consisting of a part-time mayor and five part-time city council members,. During his career with Spanish Fork, Adams was quickly promoted to Investigative Sergeant in 1991. Utility service is subject to city ordinances and policies established by the Spanish Fork City Council. NOTICE OF VACANCY ON CITY COUNCIL. Stay up to date on Spanish Fork City news stories and breaking news updates. Just over a month after the Spanish Fork City Council approved a resolution allowing the state government to move forward with plans to potentially create a new inland port in the city, a town. Spanish Fork City’s 2023 Spring Cleanup event will be held from April 24-29 and May 1-6. Ordinance. Three $25 vouchers will be mailed to each home in the City and can be spent like cash at. A sneak peek of the building design and updates on the project was released in a video during the Spanish Fork City Council Meeting on Tuesday. 10. m. Disclaimer: Spanish Fork City makes no warranty with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the maps, both interactive and static maps on the Spanish Fork website. City government is the Council-Manager form consisting of a part-time mayor and five part-time city council members,. City Park Amenities Address 49 South Main Street Hours Dawn to Dusk Pavilion No Restroom No Parking Curbside Picnic Table 4 Singles 6 Doubles 15 Grouped Playground Yes 1 Ages 2 12 Large and Tot Swings Athletic Field No Pond No Walking Path No Rules Hours 5 00 am to 11 00 pmNo dogs allowed No driving on lawn No scooters,. CONSENT ITEMS A. Spanish Fork City Council Meeting & Work Session: Meeting Location: 40 South Main Street Spanish Fork 84660 : Event Date & Time: February 3, 2017 February 3, 2017 12:15 PM - February 7, 2017 10:00 PM Description/Agenda: Tuesday, February 7, 2017 City Council Meeting CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the. I am a life-long resident of Spanish Fork. City government is the Council-Manager form consisting of a part-time mayor and five part-time city council members,. com. “We are excited to welcome Shane to the City Council,“ said Mayor Steve Leifson. The fiscal year begins July 1, 2019 and ends June 30, 2020. He currently teaches at Salem Hills High School. November 19, 2020. We hope that this page helps you understand Spanish Fork City’s utility billing just a little better. Spanish Fork City | 720 followers on LinkedIn. m. More Stories. Courtesy Spanish Fork City Rendering of the new. City government is the Council-Manager form consisting of a part-time mayor and five part-time city council members,. m. Spring Cleanup 2023. m. Brief Bio: My name is Chad Argyle and I will be running for mayor this November. This includes reviewing, approving, or recommending to the City Council. Deep Roots and Homegrown Values. All interested citizens are invited to attend. Cardon was selected from a pool of 17 applicants. On Tuesday, November 5, 2019, the Spanish Fork City Council unanimously approved the purchase of 10. 188 W 700 N. Each fall crews work to clean out obstructions in the river. The event will be held Saturday, December 4, 10 a. m. sf17ut-2021_City_Council_Candidates_Rotary_presentation Run time 00:43:45 Scanner Internet Archive Python library 2. Seventeen individuals have applied to fill the vacancy. C. See below for a link to sign up! Participants will be able to sign up for an individual 10. on Tuesday, June 15, 2021. He was raised in Spanish Fork by a loving. All residents are invited to a public hearing on the tax increase. The proposal involves changing the current zone from R-R to R-3 for property located at. The public hearing will be to discuss the proposed dividend transfers in the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget. An argument submitted by Spanish Fork City (p. If you need special accommodation to participate in the meeting, please contact the City Manager's Office at 804-4530 1. (99 North 200 West)Spanish Fork City Council. On May 4, 2023, the Spanish Fork City Council. Planning Commission. 00% Cedar Fort Town. In the event that an account is placed with a collection agency for collection, PROPERTY OWNER shall be responsible for all collection costs incurred including a collection fee of up to 40%, pursuant to the provisions of Utah Code Ann. com. Spanish Fork City is served by the Fourth Judicial District Court, Spanish Fork. Community Relations & Development Coordination Manager. Exactly 18 years ago today, the residents of Spanish Fork were closing their stores early,. Dave Anderson, community and economic development director for Spanish Fork City, opens the press question-and-answer session after the Spanish Fork inland. The mission of the Spanish Fork Arts Council is to enrich the quality of life in the community through broadened availability, collaboration, promotion, education, and increased appreciation of the cultural arts. Pay Utility Bill. Main Street). Beginning December 14, 2022, there will be a vacancy on the Spanish Fork City Council. Our meetings are open to. 801-473-3994. (by appointment) at the Spanish Fork City Offices, 40 S. Notice of a Public Hearing The Planning Commission and City Council will hold public hearings on Wednesday, February 2 and Tuesday, February 15, at 6:00 p. “We are excited to welcome Shane to the City Council,“ said Mayor Steve Leifson. He is married to Amber Geslison also of Spanish Fork and they have 3 children. and 5 p. utah. Total. Mail a registration form to the Utah County Clerk's Office: Utah County Clerk, Elections Office. on August 18, 2009. If the proposed budget amount is approved, Spanish Fork City would increase its property tax budgeted revenue by 32. on Saturday, July 15, 2023, the Spanish Fork Fire & EMS department was dispatched to a commercial fire at the Chevron Gas Station located at 3601 East Canyon Road. 3 Year 2021 Youtube-height 720 Youtube-id u8BiQqiYyZw Youtube-n-entries 50 Youtube-playlist Spanish Fork 17 - Videos Youtube-playlist-index 2 Youtube-uploader Spanish Fork 17 Youtube-uploader-id. Phone: 801-798-8903. The public hearing will be to discuss the proposed dividend transfers in the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget. m. Because of this timing, the largest bills are. A public hearing will be held on Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at 6:00 p. Whitney Hancock for City Council. Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. The park is located in the southwest region of the City, bounded by the Spanish Fork River and its associated trail along its southern boundary. The design for a 70-foot extension of the Spanish Fork Airport runway, made by JUB Engineering, was presented at the city council chambers on Tuesday, May 2, 2023. at the City Council Chambers, located at 40 S. Spanish Fork City held its first annual light parade. Consent to Creation of Utah Inland Port Authority Project Area. m. Spanish Fork Youth City Council. Peterson (801) 798-3431. “Jesse’s service on our planning commission and with the Chamber of Commerce will. Posted Apr 24, 2023. 2Landon Tooke for Spanish Fork City Council, Spanish Fork, Utah. [email protected]. gov. Register in person at the Utah County Clerk's Office. Posted Nov 18, 2022. m. To send an email to the entire council, address your email to [email protected] fork parkway update. Minutes of Spanish Fork City Council - 2-01-2022 B. Primary Election August 15, 2023, General Election November 7, 2023. The Spanish Fork Chorale was formed in 1992 and has been performing in the community for Christmas, Easter, and other concerts ever since. Available on SFCN only in Spanish Fork, UT, USA. More Stories. “We are excited to welcome Shane to the City Council,“ said Mayor Steve Leifson. Registration forms are available at: Utah County Elections Office, at 100 East Center Street, Room 3100, in Provo. In 2021, Spanish Fork City has currently issued 477 permits for new homes. Day-of Registration can be done at a Voting Service Center on election day. at the Spanish Fork City Council Chambers, located at 40 South Main Street, Spanish Fork, Utah. Development Review Committee or DRC: A committee that provides technical review, analysis, and recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council related to the City’s Comprehensive General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, subdivisions, capital facilities plans and site plans. Steven Money surprised the Spanish Fork City Council by entering their meeting Tuesday on horseback6. Mayor (1 seat, 4 Year Term)1455 East 100 South. Brief Bio: I am married to Amber Geslison of Spanish Fork and we have three wonderful children. 24, 2022. m. WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the ordinance changes on Tuesday, the 16th day of July, 201 3, where additional public comment was received and considered; NOW THEREFORE, be it enacted and ordained by the Spanish Fork City Council as follows: Spanish Fork City Municipal Code §15. City Council Meeting is typically held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, in the City Council Chambers (40 S. Notice of Electronic or Telephone Participation. m. Kimberly Brenneman. Spanish Fork Fire and EMS. at the City Council Chambers located at Spanish Fork City Hall, 40 South Main Street, Spanish Fork, Utah. Three (3) at-large City Council Member positions, for four (4) year terms, from January 2024 to January 2028. December 14, 2022. 90 per month on the average home in Spanish Fork. Flooding is a big concern for City crews. The public is invited to participate in all Spanish Fork City Council Meetings located at 40 South Main St. Pride & Progress | Spanish Fork is a community that strives to maintain a high quality of life, and provides an outstanding environment for working, recreating, and enjoying life. Please send interest with a brief description of your interests and any experience that might be noteworthy to artscouncil spanishfork. ) It is believed that the rate of growth will continue as long as there is a market for new homes. m. Miss Spanish Fork 2023. Local Spanish Fork City Television. THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF SPANISH FORK CITY, FOR THE MODERA ZONE CHANGE” on the ballot for the residents to vote for or against. Spanish Fork City has a council-manager form of government. During this academic year, your child may have the opportunity to have his/her photograph(s) and/or work related to the Spanish Fork Youth Council published in and/or displayed on the Spanish Fork City and/or Spanish Fork Youth Council social media and internet web sites, as well as SFCN 17, the local television channel operated by Spanish. Posted Nov 28, 2022. 99 likes. Nourish your child's creativity, imagination, and artistic ability through the Youth Arts Festival this summer starting June 6th! Classes held at Spanish Fork High School. 0. Applications amp Forms ACH Autopay Accessory Apartment ADU Registration Building Permits Business Licensing Burial Search Citizen Support Center City Newsletter. Councilman Jesse Cardon was appointed to the City Council in December 2022 to fulfill the remaining term left vacant by Brandon Gordon. “He will provide us with great insights on infrastructure and transportation and I look forward to working with him. The elected governing body is made up of a Mayor and five City Council members. Spanish Fork City, Spanish Fork, Utah. pdf (Meeting Minutes)Administration Airport Community Development Emergency Management Finance Fire amp EMS Human Resources Legal Library Parks amp Recreation Police Public Works Spanish. 001111% tax rate that was proposed in June. m. To locate your district and council person, visit the Spanish Fort Zoning Map and select Voting Districts on the Layers options. If you need special accommodation to participate in the meeting please contact the City Manager’s office, 801-804-4530. Administration;. 36 acres for a future all-abilities park located at 1225 East Canyon Road. Spanish Fork City | 751 followers on LinkedIn. com or Steve Leifson at: 801-372-3590. The top four vote-getters advance to November's General Election. Community & Economic Development Department Director. Update Utility Account Contact Information. Jesse Cardon Spanish Fork City Council, Spanish Fork, Utah. Spanish Fork City | 746 followers on LinkedIn. Spanish Fork Community Theater Presents: Matilda. A third revision of the 2022 fiscal year budget was approved by the Spanish Fork City Council during their meeting Tuesday. After completing an LDS Mission to Minnesota/Wisconsin, he pursued his education at Utah Valley. Comments Suggestions Emergency Alert Program Events Library Maps Newsletters Online Payments Online Services Parks amp Recreation Resident Guide Resident Survey. Signature Sheets Utah Code § 20A-7-604(2) p. Located in southern Utah County, Spanish Fork is the fourth largest city in the county, with over 43,000 residents. [email protected] Fork, UT — The Spanish Fork City Council selected Shane Marshall to fill the vacant council member position created by Keir Scoubes’ resignation. - 12 p.